Possibly the most important issue facing us today is the control of our media and hundreds of experts much smarter than me, seem to agree. A list of all kinds of reporters, news organizations and advocacy groups trying to find out what's really going on.

The on-line home of "Adbusters" Magazine. If you want to know the truth about advertising and design, this is the place to go. An intelligent and active perception of the insanity of our visual culture, it will also make you laugh.

All about banned books and censorship – how, where and why.

Center for Democracy and Technology
Public policies that advance civil liberties and democratic values in the computer age.

Columbia Journalism Review's Guide to Media Ownership
A complete guide to what the major media companies own. (unfortunately most of what we see and read everyday).

Democracy Now
Independent new program airing in over 300 stations in North America. Please support them.

Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF is the leading civil liberties group defending your rights in the digital world.

Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Legal and social implications of the age of Big Brother. Invaluable resource if you care about your privacy.

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)
National media watch group that's been noting the news since 1986. Excellent!

Free Press
National, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media.

Linda Moulton Howe
Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author who continues to go where no one has gone before.

The independent news watch of Alex Jones. Goes beyond any alternative news source on the internet.

Internet for
Making sure that access to an open Internet is a basic right for all Americans.

Jim Marrs
Born in Texas, award-winning investigative reporter; probably best known for his groundbreaking research into the Kennedy assassination. His latest book "The Fourth Reich" is a terrifying study of the ongoing WWII/Nazi influence in today's world.

Media Channel
Media watchdogs and activists to keep our media democratic and fair, headed up by the legendary Danny Schechter.
A huge list of media watchdogs and activists, great for media students.

Mother Jones Magazine
Still smart, fearless journalism after all these years. Please support them in any way you can.

Bill Moyers/NOW
Moyers is a true American hero of media in our time and we're just lucky to have someone this intelligent and passionate on our side! You can find hundreds of documents on the internet about him, but this is the home of NOW, the independent news service he developed for PBS.

NYC Grassroots Media
The goals of the NYCGMC are to strengthen and unify the networks of local grassroots media makers to better serve the communities of New York City. They hold an annual conference each year and it is amazing.

Paper Tiger Television
Video activism at it's best.

Prison Planet
The stuff that mainstream media could never uncover. Another brave Alex Jones project.

Ring of Fire Radio
Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Mike Papantonio....bringing the good fight to Air America Radio for the world. Please support them.
How much do you know about internet control by media conglomerates and the American government? Don't find out too late.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Some really smart people trying to address the unanswered questions of Sept 11 to a sleeping public. Exposing Falsehoods.

Stay Free Magazine
Brooklyn-based magazine that explores the politics and perversions of mass media and American culture.

Stereotypes and Society
A website begun by one of my IMA/MFA professors, Stuart Ewen, this site creates a study and ongoing dialogue on the influence of stereotypes in our world today.

Stop Big
Corporate media is silencing diverse voices, abandoning quality journalism and eliminating local contentÉand this website's got the evidence. One powerful attempt to hold the FCC accountable to all Americans.

Rejected Letters To The Editor
Stuart Ewen was behind this website that finally, refreshingly calls for "your letters, opt-eds, and trash tossed thoughts yearning to speak free." Independent news that tells what the editor didn't want you to know!

Robert McChesney
McChesney could also go under the "heroes" category, as he's been tracking ongoing corporate media control for over 20 years. The author of "Rich Media, Poor Democracy" and other books like that, he's a true communications pioneer. Please learn about him and support his work.

Whole Earth Magazine
Begun in the '60s as the "The Whole Earth Catalog" – the online presence still offers the most intelligent alternatives to everything that our culture throws at us. Read about it in here, and then a few years later, you'll see it in The New York Times...

Yes Magazine
Yes Magazine is a publication of Positive Futures Network is an independent, nonprofit organization supporting people’s active engagement in creating a just, sustainable, and compassionate world. The work of the Positive Futures Network is to give visibility and momentum to these signs of an emerging society in which life, not money, is what counts; in which everyone matters; and in which vibrant, inclusive communities offer prosperity, security, and meaningful ways of life. This magazine is doing great things for our media, please learn about them and support them.

Utne Reader Magazine
Think of it as the "Reader's Digest" of new thought. The best of the alternative press.